CDS Siddur & Chumash Dedications

Through the generosity of donors, Community Day School recently purchased 200 copies of the Siddur Lev Shalem לב שלם and Etz Hayim עץ חיים for the CDS community and Sarasota Minyan. To dedicate one of these beautiful prayer books in someone’s honor or memory please use this form. You may also dedicate a prayer book in appreciation of someone, to acknowledge an event, and in celebration of a birthday, anniversary or graduation, etc.

Each dedication will be inscribed in a prayer book and a card will be sent to the recipient of the tribute.

If interested in dedicating a prayer book(s), please complete the form below and return to the front office or contact Brenna Wilhm, Director of Development, at

First page of the PDF file: SiddurChumashPage1
First page of the PDF file: Page2